Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Bataviæ Hollandiæq. annales. / By Janus Dousa filius. ; Enlarged edition by J. Dousa (pater)

[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1601

24 Copies. — STCN ID: 840342829

Bataviæ Hollandiæq. annales. / By Janus Dousa filius. ; Enlarged edition by J. Dousa (pater)
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La grande chroniqve ancienne et moderne, de Hollande, Zelande, VVestfrise, Vtrecht, Frise, Overyssel & Groeningen, jusques à la fin de l'an 1600.. / By Jean François Le Petit

Dordrecht, printed by J. Canin for the author (title-page and colophon volume 2: printed by G. Guillemot), (colophon volume 2: 1601)

27 Copies. — STCN ID: 831704284

La grande chroniqve ancienne et moderne, de Hollande, Zelande, VVestfrise, Vtrecht, Frise, Overyssel & Groeningen, jusques à la fin de l'an 1600.. / By Jean François Le Petit
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Ivs belli Sabavdici. / Translated from the French into Latin

Amstelredami, sumpt. Z. Heinss., 1601

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 079257976

Ivs belli Sabavdici. / Translated from the French into Latin
Præstantium aliquot theologorum, qui rom. antichristum præcipuè oppugnarunt, effigies. / Engraved by Henricus Hondius. ; Text by J. Verheiden
Pro annalibvs svis et priscis patriæ chronicis conseruandis, contra Iani Dousæ nefarias calumnias [...] oratio. / By P. Cornelissonius Bockenbergius
Toetsteen, waer aen mē waerlick beproeuē mach, hoe valsch ende ongefondeert, dat zijn de leugenachtighe calumnieuse libellen [...] die door eenige Spaensche oft Iesuits gesinde, in Brabant, Vlaenderen oft elders versiert, ende alhier in onse landen gestroyt, ende in druck ouer ghesonden werden
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In doctoratvm clarissimi et doctrina et pietate praestantissimi viri D. Iacobi Arminij [...] ode. / By Ioannes Halsbergius

Amstelredami, exc. J.E. a Cloppenburgh, 9 iul.1603

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 294713166

In doctoratvm clarissimi et doctrina et pietate praestantissimi viri D. Iacobi Arminij [...] ode. / By Ioannes Halsbergius
Honori D. I. Arminii, cvm doctor S. theologiæ pvblice renvntiaretvr, eivsdem facvltatis professionem ordinariam svsceptvrvs. / By I.B.
Fidelis et svccincta rervm adversvs Angelvm Mervlam tragice ante XLVII. annos, qvadriennivm, et qvod excvrrit, ab inqvisitoribvs gestarvm commemoratio. / By Paullus G.F.P.N. Merula
Eene treffelijcke tsamensprekinge tusschen den paus ende coninck van Spangien, belanghende de pays met ons lieden aan te gaane