Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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1594 Hits

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Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Moubach

Amsteldam, A. van Damme bookseller, 1717

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 333027809

Naaukeurige verhandeling der kanarivogels. / By J.C. Hervieux. ; Translated from the French by A. Moubach
Catalogue de ce qu'on void de plus remarquable dans la chambre de l'anatomie publique de l'université de la ville de Leide. / By François Schuyl
sample page

Dissertatio medico-botanica inauguralis. Rhabarbari historiam exhibens. / By Christian. Heinricus Hollstein

Lugd. Batav., apud H. Mulhovium, [1718]

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 297823507

Dissertatio medico-botanica inauguralis. Rhabarbari historiam exhibens. / By Christian. Heinricus Hollstein
Applausus votivi, quos viro [...] Dn. Christ. Heinrico Hollstein [...] medicinæ candidato dignissimo, cum ipse gradum doctoralem [...] in celeberrima Academia, quæ floret Lugduni Batavorum legitime suciperet, exhibere debuit, voluit Georgius Quapner
Nieuwe volmaakte bloem-thuyn, in de winter. of Wonderbaare [...] bloemqueekerey-konst. / By Joh. Christian Lehman. ; Translated from the German by J. Le Long
Send-brieven, zoo aan de [...] heeren van de Koninklyke Societeit te Londen, als aan andere [...] geleerde lieden, over verscheyde verborgentheden der natuure. / By Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Botano-graphia, a nominum barbarismis. / By Casparus Commeliu

Lugduni Batavorum, apud J.A. Langerak, 1718

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 238983587

Botano-graphia, a nominum barbarismis. / By Casparus Commeliu
Epistola anatomica, problematica octava [...] ad [...] Fredericum Ruyschium. / By Johannes Henricus Grætz
sample page

Theatrum universale omnium animalium [...] CCLX. tabulis ornatum. / By Henricus Ruysch

Amstelædami, prost. apud R. and G. Wetstenios, 1718

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 314901795

Theatrum universale omnium animalium [...] CCLX. tabulis ornatum. / By Henricus Ruysch

Wonderen van't heelal. / [By Johann Heinrich Seyfried]

Gouda, printed by J. and A. Endenburgh, [1718]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 316084085

Wonderen van't heelal. / [By Johann Heinrich Seyfried]