Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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In classem Xerxis Hispani oratio. / By Guillelmus Verheiden

Leidæ, apud L. Constantium, 1589

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 416801331

In classem Xerxis Hispani oratio. / By Guillelmus Verheiden
An answere to George Giffords pretended defence of read praiers and deuised litourgies. / By John Greenwood
A collection of certain letters and conferences lately passed betvvixt certaine preachers & tvvo prisoners in the Fleet. / (By Henry Barrow et al)
Copie van eenige nieumaren, gheschreven by den heere van Caron, agent in Enghelandt, aen de heeren Staten van Zeelandt
A petition directed to her most excellent maiestie, wherein is deliuered [...] a meane howe to compound the ciuill dissention in the church of England. / [By Job Throckmorton]
The examinations of Henry Barrowe Iohn Grenewood and Iohn Penrie, before the high commissioners, and Lordes of the Counsel. Penned by the prisoners themselues before their deathes. / [By Henry Barrow]
The defence of Iob Throkmorton, against the slaunders of maister Sutcliffe
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Discovrs veritable de diverses conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tresexcellente majesté de la Royne

Londres, C. Yetsvveirt, La Haye, A. Henry printer, 1595

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 120697831

Discovrs veritable de diverses conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tresexcellente majesté de la Royne
A treatise of the ministery of the church of England. Wherein is handled this question, whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. / [By Francis Johnson]
Franciscus Dracus redivivus. Das ist, Kurze Beschreibung, aller vornehmbsten Reysen, Schiffarten vnnd Wasserschlachten