Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Oevvres mathematicqves. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected edition by T. Verbeeck et al

Amsterdam, G.J. Cæsius, 1628

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 082523983

Oevvres mathematicqves. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected edition by T. Verbeeck et al
Fortification ov architectvre militaire. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected enlarged edition by F. van Schooten
Fortificatie, dat is, sterckte bouwing. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected by A. Girard. Translated from the French into Dutch by W.D.
L'architectvre contenant la toscane, doriqve, ioniqve, corinthiaqve, et composee. / By [Johannes Vredeman de Vries. ; Engraved by] H. Hondius
Fortificatie, dat is, sterckte bouwing. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected edition by A. Girard. Translated from the French into Dutch by W.D
Opera mathematica ou oeuvres mathematiqves. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected and enlarged edition by A. Girard

T'samen-spreeckinghe, betreffende de architectvre, ende schilder-konst. / By I. de Ville

Ter Govde, P. Rammaseyn bookseller, 1628

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 831445068

T'samen-spreeckinghe, betreffende de architectvre, ende schilder-konst. / By I. de Ville
Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettvra [...]. = Regel vande vijf ordens der architecture [...]. = Reigle des cinq ordres d'architectvre [...]. = The rule of the V. orders of architecture. / By Giacomo Barozzio da Vignola. ; Enlarged by M. Buonarroti
Verscheyden schrynwerck, als portalen, kleerkassen, buffetten, ledikanten [...] en veel andre soorten van wercken. = Plusieurs menuiseries. : 2 parts. / By Paulus Vredeman de Vriese
Architectvra, dat is: bouw-kunst. Inhoudende vijf deelen, te weten: Toscana, Dorica, Ionica, Corinthia ende composita. / By Jan Vredman Frison. ; Edited by S. Marolois