The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801
[Not before 1600]
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 315939079
3 Copies. — STCN ID: 326736972
Comptoir iournalier, op het wondelijcke schrickel iaer [...] M.VI.C. / Compiled by F. Trotereau
Amsterdam, C. Claesz., [1600]
2 Copies. — id: 840976534
Almanach: op het iaer ons Heeren, M.VI.C. / Compiled by J. Christiani
Delff, printed by B.H. Schinckel, 1600
1 Copies. — id: 428361854
Hantvverpen, H. Verdussen, 1600
1 Copies. — id: 399372857
Den vredsamen Hollander inhoudende een vvaerschouvvinghe aen de geune die noch in vvaepen syn
1 Copies. — id: 406782970
Brvessel, R. Velpius, 1600
1 Copies. — id: 394083806
Delff, J. Andriesz, [1600]
1 Copies. — id: 402449800
Epigrammaton libri XII. / By M. Val. Martialis
[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana, apvd C. Raphelengivm typ., 1600
1 Copies. — id: 318933527