Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Consilia sive Responsa. / By Nicolaus Everardi

Enlarged edition. — Arenaci, ex off. J. Biesii typ., 1642

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 831450223

Consilia sive Responsa. / By Nicolaus Everardi

Commentariorvm de ivre novissimo libri sex. / By Petrus Gudelinus

Arnhemii, typ. J. Biesii, 1643

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 831385960

Commentariorvm de ivre novissimo libri sex. / By Petrus Gudelinus
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Synopsis locorvm legalivm N. Everardi a Middelbvrgo. / By Georg Adam Brunnerus

Arenaci, ex off. J. Biesii typ., 1643

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 831448083

Synopsis locorvm legalivm N. Everardi a Middelbvrgo. / By Georg Adam Brunnerus

Conclvsionvm practicabilivm, secundùm ordinem constitutionum divi Augusti, electoris Saxoniæ [...] liber. / By Matthias Berlichius

4th enlarged edition. — Arnhemii, sumpt. J. Biesii, 1644

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 053863038

Conclvsionvm practicabilivm, secundùm ordinem constitutionum divi Augusti, electoris Saxoniæ [...] liber. / By Matthias Berlichius
Het eerste(-derde) deel van de mathematische vermaecklyckheden. / [By Jean Leurechon]. ; Translated from the French into Dutch and enlarged by W. van Westen
Elixir jesuiticum, sive Quinta essentia jesuitarum ex variis, inprimis pontificijs, authoribus alembico veritatis extracta, mundi theatro exhibetur. / By Gratianus Leosthenes Salicetus [pseudonym of Johann Leonhard Weidner]
Fonteyne des levens, dat is: De historie van de Samaritaensche vrouwe, verklaert ende toe-gheeygent in 76. goddelijcke meditaiten[!]. / By Arthur Hildersham. ; Corrected and enlarged by D. van Laren
Artyckelen van't acoort[!] geaccordeert over de stadt van Hvlst tusschen [...] den prince van Oraengien [...] ende den gouverneur Iohan de Haynin [...] den 4. november 1645
Fonteyne des levens, dat is De historie vande Samaritaensche vrouwe, verklaert ende toe-geeygent in 76. meditatien. / [By Arthur Hildersham]. ; Translated from the English and enlarged by D. van Laren
De historie van des hovelincks soon: Joan. IV. van vers 43. tot 54. verklaert [...] in twee ende dertich goddelijcke meditatien. / [By Arthur Hildersham]. ; Translated from the English. Enlarged edition by D. van Laren