Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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25589 Treffer

sample page

Canones vna cum declarationibus eorundem in tabulas computi ecclesiastici. / By Bartholomeus Coloniensis

(Colophon: [Zwolle], printed by p. ossēsis), [not before 31 Oct. 1503]

2 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 103793542

Canones vna cum declarationibus eorundem in tabulas computi ecclesiastici. / By Bartholomeus Coloniensis

In salutationes angelicas carmen hecatostichon. / By Johannes Murmellius

[Zwolle, P. Os van Breda or T.P. Os van Breda, c.1507]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 103921060

In salutationes angelicas carmen hecatostichon. / By Johannes Murmellius
sample page

Den gheesteliken minnebrief die iesus xpūs coninc der gloriē seindet tot zijnre bruyt der minnend(er) sielen

[Leiden, H. Janszoon van Woerden?, c.1502-1505]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 10211398X

Den gheesteliken minnebrief die iesus xpūs coninc der gloriē seindet tot zijnre bruyt der minnend(er) sielen
sample page

Een ghebet totten vader

[Leiden, H. Janszoon van Woerden, c. 1504]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 102114196

Een ghebet totten vader
sample page

[Die passie ons Heren mit figuren]

(Colophon:Leiden, printed by H. Janszoon van Woerden, [c.1503]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 102114250

[Die passie ons Heren mit figuren]
sample page

Die vii sacramēten der heyligher kercken

(Colophon: Leyden, printed by J. seuersz, 1504)

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 102155151

Die vii sacramēten der heyligher kercken

Exhortatio ad concordiam regalem. / By Aegidius Delfus

[Delft, C. Cornelissen?, c.1505]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 101232500

Exhortatio ad concordiam regalem. / By Aegidius Delfus

Opuscula in laudem dive virginis Marie. / By Aegidius Delfus

[Delft, C. Cornelissen?, c.1505]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 101232535

Opuscula in laudem dive virginis Marie. / By Aegidius Delfus

Historie van sinte Anna. / Translated from the Latin into Dutch by Wouter Bor

Deventer, [R. Pafraet], 19 Jan. 1504

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 106514288

Historie van sinte Anna. / Translated from the Latin into Dutch by Wouter Bor

Expositio mysteriorum missae. / By Guilhelmus de Gouda

Deventer, J. de Breda, [c.1502?]

1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 106668854

Expositio mysteriorum missae. / By Guilhelmus de Gouda