Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Prognosticatie over den Heren-feenster cleen almanach; voor't iaer M. DC. XLV. / By Petrus Baardt

Leeuwarden, printed by C. Fonteyne, 1645

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 319008940

Prognosticatie over den Heren-feenster cleen almanach; voor't iaer M. DC. XLV. / By Petrus Baardt
Droomboeck, waer in uyt natuerlijcker oorsaken [...] uytgeleyt worden alle droomen [...] die den menschen [...] voorcomen moghen. / Translated from the German into Dutch
Den onvervalschten Italiaensche waersegger: dat is: een oprechte prognosticatie op 't jaer ons Heeren 1645. / By Anthonio Magino

Novum organum scientiarum. / By Franc. Bacon de Verulamio

Lvgd. Bat., apud A. Wijngaerde et F. Moiardum, 1645

7 Copies. — STCN ID: 840217277

Novum organum scientiarum. / By Franc. Bacon de Verulamio

De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum, libri IX. / By Franciscus Bacon de Verulamio

New edition. — Lugd. Batav., apud F. Moyardum and A. Wijngaerde, 1645

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 061275409

De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum, libri IX. / By Franciscus Bacon de Verulamio
Furni novi philosophici oder Beschreibung einer new-erfundenen Distillir-kunst. / By Johannes Rudolphus Glauberus
De auri tinctura sive auro potabili vero. Was solche sey, vnd wie dieselbe [...] zu erkennen. / By Joh. Rud. Glauberus
Visio Algarazabel, svper revolutione politica. = Ghesicht, van Algarasabel, op de veranderinghe van regheringhe. / Translated from the Latin into Dutch

Doctorum aliquot virorum vivæ effigies. / Engraved by C.J. Visscher

[Amsterdam, C.J. Visscher, 1646]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 21611070X

Doctorum aliquot virorum vivæ effigies. / Engraved by C.J. Visscher

Furni philosophici, oder Philosophischer Oefen, ander Theil. / By Johannes Rudolphus Glauberus

Amsterdam, printed by J. Fabel, 1647

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 090017986

Furni philosophici, oder Philosophischer Oefen, ander Theil. / By Johannes Rudolphus Glauberus