Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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64 Hits


Curiosities and rarities to be seen in the gallery of the garden of the academie of Leyden

[Late 17th, early 18th century]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 114428549

Curiosities and rarities to be seen in the gallery of the garden of the academie of Leyden
Musæi Indici index exhibens varia exotica animalia & vegetabilia nativâ facie, liquori balsamico innatantia. Conspicienda in horti academici ambulacro Lugduni Batavorum
Res curiosæ et exoticæ, in ambulacro horti academici Lugduno-Batavi conspicuæ

(Title A1:) Catalogus librorum

[Not before 1710]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 303347813

(Title A1:) Catalogus librorum
sample page

Leevensberigt van den grooten natuurkenner Carel Linnæus

[Not before 1778]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 314063862

Leevensberigt van den grooten natuurkenner Carel Linnæus
sample page

Curiosities and rarities, to be seen in the gallery of the garden of the academie of Leyden

[Late 17th, early 18th century]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 305496484

Curiosities and rarities, to be seen in the gallery of the garden of the academie of Leyden
Musæi indici index exhibens varia exotica animalia vegetabilia nativâ facie, liquori balsamico innatantia. Conspicienda in horti academici ambulacro Lugduni-Batavorum
Res curiosæ et exoticæ, in ambulacro horti academici Lugduno-Batavi conspicuæ
sample page

Register op het Ambons kruid-boek van G.E. Rumphius. / [Compiled by J. Burman]

Enlarged edition. — [Not before 1798]

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 308344871

Register op het Ambons kruid-boek van G.E. Rumphius. / [Compiled by J. Burman]
Subsequentes, Opus Danubiale typis Mandaturi, bibliopolæ conditiones offerunt. = Conditions de la souscription