Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Plantarum Americanarum fasciculus primus(-decimus). / Drawn by Carolus Plumierius. ; Engraved and annotated by J. Burman

Sumt. auctoris, Amstelædami, prost. in Horto Medico and apud vid. and fil. S. Schouten, Lugd. Batav., prost. apud G. Potvliet and T. Haak, 1755

12 Copies. — STCN ID: 184608767

Plantarum Americanarum fasciculus primus(-decimus). / Drawn by Carolus Plumierius. ; Engraved and annotated by J. Burman
sample page

Traité anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le Bois de Saule. / By Pierre Lyonet

For the author (= P. Lyonet), La Haye, sold by P. de Hondt, Amsterdam, sold by M.M. Rey, Londres sold by T. Becket and P.A. de Hondt, 1760

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 380107341

Traité anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le Bois de Saule. / By Pierre Lyonet
Bibliotheca regni animalis atque lapidei, seu recensio auctorum et librorum, qui de regno animali & laideo methodice [...] vel theologice tractant. / By Laurentius Theodorus Gronovius

Traité anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le Bois de Saule. / By Pierre Lyonet

La Haye, for and sold by the author (= P. Lyonet), sold by P. Gosse jr. and D. Pinet, Amsterdam, sold by M.M. Rey, 1762

11 Copies. — STCN ID: 198047398

Traité anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le Bois de Saule. / By Pierre Lyonet
sample page

Kruidkundige beschryving der in- en uit-landsche gewassen, welke heedendaagsch meest in gebruik zyn. / By Mart. Wilh. Schwencke

'sGravenhage, for the author, printed by J. van Karnebeek, 1766

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 189669616

Kruidkundige beschryving der in- en uit-landsche gewassen, welke heedendaagsch meest in gebruik zyn. / By Mart. Wilh. Schwencke
Brief van Johannes Albertus Schlosser [...] aan [...] Ferdinand Dejean [...]. Behelzende eene naauwkeurige beschrijving der Amboinsche haagdis [...]. = Epistola [...] de lacerta Amboinensi
sample page

Illustrations of natural history. Wherein are exhibited [...] figures of insects. : [Volume 1]. / By D. Drury

London, for the author, Amsterdam, sold by J.C. Sepp, 1770

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 403973252

Illustrations of natural history. Wherein are exhibited [...] figures of insects. : [Volume 1]. / By D. Drury
Les ruses du maquignonnage dévoilées, ou Le moyen de se garantir de toutes fraudes dans l'achat des chevaux. / By F. Duts
Premiere(-seconde) centurie de planches enluminées et non enluminées representant au naturel ce qui se trouve de plus interessant [...] parmi les animaux, les vegetaux, et les mineraux, pour servir d'intelligence à l'histoire generale des trois regnes de la nature. / By Buchoz
sample page

Zoophylacium Gronovianum, exhibens animalia quadrupeda, amphibia. : 3 parts. / By Laur. Theod. Gronovius

Lugduni Batavorum, apud T. Haak and socium, S. and J. Luchtmans, 1781 (title-page part 1: for the author, 1763, title-page part 2: 1764)

12 Copies. — STCN ID: 238522164

Zoophylacium Gronovianum, exhibens animalia quadrupeda, amphibia. : 3 parts. / By Laur. Theod. Gronovius