Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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1701 Hits

Description dv grand poisson valeine, qvi s'est venve rendre a Berckhey, en l'an M. D. XCVIII. le III. de febvrier
Beschrijvinge van het heerlijcke [...] kruydt, wassende in de west Indien aldaer ghenaemt picielt, ende by den Spanjaerden tabaco. / By Monardes. ; Translated into Dutch by N.J. vander Woudt

Hortvs pvblicvs Academiæ Lvgdvno-Batavæ. Eivs ichnographia, descriptio, vsus. / By Petrus Pawius

[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1601

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 153171987

Hortvs pvblicvs Academiæ Lvgdvno-Batavæ. Eivs ichnographia, descriptio, vsus. / By Petrus Pawius

Phalli, ex fungorum genere in Hollandiæ sabuletis passim cresentis descriptio, & ad viuum expressa pictura. / By Hadrianus Junius

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex typ. C. Guyotij, imp. J. Orlers, 1601

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 114480516

Phalli, ex fungorum genere in Hollandiæ sabuletis passim cresentis descriptio, & ad viuum expressa pictura. / By Hadrianus Junius

Hortus pvblicvs Academiæ Lvgdvno-Batavæ. Eivs ichnographia, descriptio, vsus. / By Petrus Pawius

[Leiden], ex off. J. Patii typ., 1603

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 153172622

Hortus pvblicvs Academiæ Lvgdvno-Batavæ. Eivs ichnographia, descriptio, vsus. / By Petrus Pawius

Theses physicæ de pvtredine. / By Guillielmus Lomannus. ; Praes.: P. Bertius

Lugduni Batavorum, ex off. J. Patii, 1603

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 112948103

Theses physicæ de pvtredine. / By Guillielmus Lomannus. ; Praes.: P. Bertius
sample page

Den cleynē herbarius ofte kruydt-boexken. / By H.I. [= Heyman Jacobi]

Enlarged edition. — Amstelredam, H. Barentsz. bookseller, 1603

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 843199504

Den cleynē herbarius ofte kruydt-boexken. / By H.I. [= Heyman Jacobi]
sample page

Exoticorvm libri decem. / By Carolus Clusius

[Leiden], ex off. Plantinianâ Raphelengii, 1605

16 Copies. — STCN ID: 059202300

Exoticorvm libri decem. / By Carolus Clusius

Den cleynen herbarivs ofte Kruydt-boecxken. / By H.I. [= Heyman Jacobi]

Corrected enlarged edition. — Amsterdam, H. Barentsz. bookseller, 1606

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 080168477

Den cleynen herbarivs ofte Kruydt-boecxken. / By H.I. [= Heyman Jacobi]

Cruydt-boeck. / By Rembertus Dodonaeus

Leyden, inde Plantijnsche druckerije van F. van Ravelingen, Amsterdam, sold by C. Claeszoon, 1608

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 290794250

Cruydt-boeck. / By Rembertus Dodonaeus