Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Reasons taken ovt of Gods word and the best hvmane testimonies proving a necessitie of reforming ovr chvrches in England. / [By Henry Jacob]
An apologie or defence of such true christians as are commonly (but vniustly) called Brownists. / [By Henry Ainsworth]
Vier boecken van de oorlooghs-treken, der ouder en̄ (ver)maerder velt-oversten en̄ hooftmannen. / By Poliaenus. ; Translated from the Greek by M. Zuerius
A trve description ovt of the word of God, of the visible church. / [By Henry Barrow]
Certaine demandes with their grounds, drawne out of holy writ, and propounded in foro conscientiæ by some religious gen̄tl.
Certaine considerations drawne from the canons of the last sinod, and other the kings ecclesiasticall and statute law
A replie vpon the R.R.F. Th. VVinton for heads of his divinity in his sermon and svrvey. / (By Hugh Broughton)
The remoouall of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Deuon: and Cornwall by one M.T.H
A plaine refvtation of M. Giffards booke, intituled, Ashort[!] treatise gainst the donatistes of England. / (By Henry Barrow et al.)
The familie of David, for the sonnes of the kingdome, with a chronicle vnto the redemtion. / (By Hugh Broughton)