Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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992 Hits

Atlas minor, ofte Een korte doch grondige beschrijvinge der geheeler werelt. / By Gerardus Mercator. ; Corrected and enlarged by J. Hondius. Translated from the Latin into Dutch by E. Brinck

Flores. / By Desid. Erasmus. ; Compiled by S. Partliz

Amsterod., apud J. Ianssonium, 1630

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 084338644

Flores. / By Desid. Erasmus. ; Compiled by S. Partliz
Architectvra, dat is: bouw-kunst. Inhoudende vijf deelen, te weten: Toscana, Dorica, Ionica, Corinthia ende composita. / By Jan Vredman Frison. ; Edited by S. Marolois

Perspective, dat is: doorsichtige. : [2 parts]. / By Jans Vredman. ; Corrected by S. Marolois

Amsterdam, J. Iansz., 1630 (part 2: 1629)

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 082573166

Perspective, dat is: doorsichtige. : [2 parts]. / By Jans Vredman. ; Corrected by S. Marolois
sample page

Opera mathematica, ofte wis-konstige wercken. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected by A. Girard

Amsterdam, J. Ianszoon (some copies: J. Iansz), 1630

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 082572674

Opera mathematica, ofte wis-konstige wercken. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected by A. Girard

De constantia. Libri duo. / By Just. Lipsius

Amstelodami, apud J. Iansoniū, 1631

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 08427722X

De constantia. Libri duo. / By Just. Lipsius

De conscientia, et eivs ivre, vel casibvs, libri qvinqve. / By Guiljelmus Amesius

Amstelodami, apud J. Ianssonium, 1631

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 084343311

De conscientia, et eivs ivre, vel casibvs, libri qvinqve. / By Guiljelmus Amesius
sample page

Rerum Danicarum historia. / By Joh. Isacius Pontanus

Amstelodami, sumpt. J. Ianssonii (colophon: Hardervici Gelrorvm, exc. N. à Wieringen), 1631

7 Copies. — STCN ID: 084835680

Rerum Danicarum historia. / By Joh. Isacius Pontanus
Atlas minor, das ist: Ein kurtze, jedoch gründliche Beschreibung der gantzen Welt. / By Gerardus Mercator. ; Corrected and enlarged by J. Hondius. Translated from the Latin into German

De bello Troiano. / By Dictys Cretensis

Amstelodami, apud J. Ianssonium, 1631

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 085541435

De bello Troiano. / By Dictys Cretensis