Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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2129 Hits


Perspectiva. / By Samuel Marlois

Amsterdam, J. Jansson, 1628

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 217375944

Perspectiva. / By Samuel Marlois
Perspective contenant la theorie, practique et instruction fondamentale. / By Samuel Marolois
sample page

Pia desideria emblematis, elegiis & affectibus SS. Patrvm illustrata. / By Hermannus Hugo. ; Engraved by C. van Sichem

[Amsterdam], for P.I.P. [= P.J. Paets] , Antverpiae, typ. H. Aertssenii, 1628

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 42316354X

Pia desideria emblematis, elegiis & affectibus SS. Patrvm illustrata. / By Hermannus Hugo. ; Engraved by C. van Sichem
Opera mathematica ou oeuvres mathematiqves. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected and enlarged edition by A. Girard

T'samen-spreeckinghe, betreffende de architectvre, ende schilder-konst. / By I. de Ville

Ter Govde, P. Rammaseyn bookseller, 1628

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 831445068

T'samen-spreeckinghe, betreffende de architectvre, ende schilder-konst. / By I. de Ville

Corona gemmata, hoc est De coronarum generibus commentarius. / By Antonius Thylesius

Groningæ, ex typ. J. Sas, 1629

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 153399309

Corona gemmata, hoc est De coronarum generibus commentarius. / By Antonius Thylesius
Geometrie ofte meet-const. / By Samuel Marolois. ; Corrected edition by A. Girard. Translated from the French into Dutch by E. de D. [= E. de Decker]
sample page

Weg-wyser ter salicheyt onder een sinnebeeld van des werelts beschryvinge. / By Z. Heynsius

Swol, for Z. Heyns (colophon: printed by F. Iorrijaensen, 1629)

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 831203706

Weg-wyser ter salicheyt onder een sinnebeeld van des werelts beschryvinge. / By Z. Heynsius
sample page

Protevs ofte Minnebeelden verandert in sinne-beelden. / By I. Cats

'sGraven-hage, printed and sold by A. vander Venne and J. Ockerss., 1629 (engraved title-page: 1628)

9 Copies. — STCN ID: 853029474

Protevs ofte Minnebeelden verandert in sinne-beelden. / By I. Cats
sample page

Galathee ofte Harder minne-klachte. / By I. Cats

'sGraven-hage, printed and sold by A. vander Venne and J. Ockerss., 1629

10 Copies. — STCN ID: 853029687

Galathee ofte Harder minne-klachte. / By I. Cats