Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Elementa hydrostaticæ et hydraulices tam theoreticæ quam practicæ. / By Joh. Fred. Hennert

Traiecti ad Rhenum, ex off. A. a Paddenburg, 1769

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 203145755

Elementa hydrostaticæ et hydraulices tam theoreticæ quam practicæ. / By Joh. Fred. Hennert
Laboratorium chymico pharmaceuticum de productis chymicis humidis & siccis. Of Het chymische werkhuys der apotheekers. / By Jean George Riga
sample page

Traité de la vitriolisation et de l'alunation, ou l'art de fabriquer les vitriols et l'alun. / By Monnet

Amsterdam, Paris, sold by P.-F. Didot le jeune, 1769

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 304673625

Traité de la vitriolisation et de l'alunation, ou l'art de fabriquer les vitriols et l'alun. / By Monnet
Scheikundige verhandeling over verscheidene [...] vochten, waer mede men letters maken kan; of Over eenige sympathetische inkten. / By Willem de Loos
Bifolivm chemico-physico-metallicvm, bestehend in zwo besondern Abhandlungen. / By I.L. ab Indagine [pseudonym of Johann Ludolph Jaeger]
Specimen inavgvrale chemico-physicvm. Sistens observationes novas et meletemata circa pyrorophorvm alvminosvm et ignem. / By Michael Paxi de Szathmár M.N.M.F
Trifolivm chemico-physico-salinvm, oder, Dreyfache chemisch-physikalische Abhandlung, worinnen drey beru͏̈hmte Salze [...] betrachtet werden. / By Innocentius Liborius ab Indagine [pseudonym of Johann Ludolph Jaeger]
sample page

Specimen chemico-medicum inaugurale, de bile, cystica vulgo dicta. / By Gerhardus Gysbertus ten Haaff

Lugduni Batavorum, apud H. Mostert, 1772

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 291509118

Specimen chemico-medicum inaugurale, de bile, cystica vulgo dicta. / By Gerhardus Gysbertus ten Haaff
sample page

Kweekschool der scheykunde

Amsterdam, D. Weege, 1773

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 296884529

Kweekschool der scheykunde
sample page

Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de elementis. / By Gerardus Arnoldus Taets ab Amerongen

Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex off. A. van Paddenburg typ., 1773

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 191306940

Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de elementis. / By Gerardus Arnoldus Taets ab Amerongen