Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Imagines et vitæ imperatorvm Romanorvm

[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1599

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 058867961

Imagines et vitæ imperatorvm Romanorvm
sample page

Bibliotheces, sive de Deorum origine, libri III. / By Apollodorus Atheniensis. ; Edited by H. Commelinus

Corrected enlarged edition. — [S.l.], ex officina Commeliniana, 1599

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 309265568

Bibliotheces, sive de Deorum origine, libri III. / By Apollodorus Atheniensis. ; Edited by H. Commelinus

De veteri anno Romano Romvli et Nvmæ PompilI antitheses. / (By Sybren Siccama)

Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 831286776

De veteri anno Romano Romvli et Nvmæ PompilI antitheses. / (By Sybren Siccama)
sample page

Der Griecken opganck ende onderganck. / By Andreas Demetrius

Dordrecht, printed by I.J. Kaen, 1599

10 Copies. — STCN ID: 831657006

Der Griecken opganck ende onderganck. / By Andreas Demetrius

In fastos kalendares Romanos praecidanea. / By Sibrand Siccama

Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 831286660

In fastos kalendares Romanos praecidanea. / By Sibrand Siccama
La montaigne des pvcelles, en nevf dialogves, svr les noms des neuf muses. = Den maeghden-bergh, in negen t'samen spraken, op de namen vande neghen musen. / By Magdaleine Valery

Barbaricæ philosophiæ antiqvitatvm libri dvo. / By Ottho Heurnius

[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1600

5 Copies. — STCN ID: 058813780

Barbaricæ philosophiæ antiqvitatvm libri dvo. / By Ottho Heurnius

Fastorvm kalendarivm lib. II. / By Sibrandus Siccama

Corrected enlarged edition. — Amstelreodami, apud Z. Heyns, 1600 (title-page 2A1: Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599)

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 080083110

Fastorvm kalendarivm lib. II. / By Sibrandus Siccama

Oratio de virtvte et maiestate P. Cornelii Scipionis Africani maioris. / By Ernestus Wergkmanus

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Gujotij, 1600

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 171401786

Oratio de virtvte et maiestate P. Cornelii Scipionis Africani maioris. / By Ernestus Wergkmanus
Harangve descripte av Livre doré de Marc Avrele emperevr d'un paysant des rivages du Danvbe. / [By Antonio de Guevara]. ; Rhymed version by G. Fourmennois