The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801
Imagines et vitæ imperatorvm Romanorvm
[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1599
4 Copies. — STCN ID: 058867961
Corrected enlarged edition. — [S.l.], ex officina Commeliniana, 1599
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 309265568
De veteri anno Romano Romvli et Nvmæ PompilI antitheses. / (By Sybren Siccama)
Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599
6 Copies. — STCN ID: 831286776
Der Griecken opganck ende onderganck. / By Andreas Demetrius
Dordrecht, printed by I.J. Kaen, 1599
10 Copies. — STCN ID: 831657006
In fastos kalendares Romanos praecidanea. / By Sibrand Siccama
Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 831286660
Leyden, J. Paedts Jacobsz., 1599
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 396155898
Barbaricæ philosophiæ antiqvitatvm libri dvo. / By Ottho Heurnius
[Leiden], ex off. Plantiniana apud C. Raphelengivm typ., 1600
5 Copies. — STCN ID: 058813780
Fastorvm kalendarivm lib. II. / By Sibrandus Siccama
Corrected enlarged edition. — Amstelreodami, apud Z. Heyns, 1600 (title-page 2A1: Campis, exc. W. Bernhardi, 1599)
4 Copies. — STCN ID: 080083110
Oratio de virtvte et maiestate P. Cornelii Scipionis Africani maioris. / By Ernestus Wergkmanus
Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. C. Gujotij, 1600
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 171401786
Vtrecht, S. de Roy printer, 1601
1 Copies. — STCN ID: 841362602