Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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2129 Hits

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Hovwelyck. Dat is De gansche gelegentheyt des echten staets. / By I. Cats

Middelbvrgh, printed by (π1v: sold by) [wed.] J.P. vande Venne, 1625 (π1v: s'Graven-hage, sold by A. vande Venne)

20 Copies. — STCN ID: 840515898

Hovwelyck. Dat is De gansche gelegentheyt des echten staets. / By I. Cats
Perspectivæ sintagma, in quo varia eximiáque corporum diagrammata ex præscripto opticæ exhibentur. / [Designed by Johannes Vredeman de Vries ; Engraved by H. Hondius]
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Emblemata ofte sinnebeelden met dichten verciert. / By Jacobus Zevecotius

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1626

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 376142707

Emblemata ofte sinnebeelden met dichten verciert. / By Jacobus Zevecotius

Emblemata Florentii Schoonhovii I.C. Goudani, partim moralia partim etiam civilia

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex off. Elzeviriana, 1626

8 Copies. — STCN ID: 832879126

Emblemata Florentii Schoonhovii I.C. Goudani, partim moralia partim etiam civilia
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Proteus ofte Minne-beelden verandert in sinne-beelden. / (By Jacob Cats)

Rotterdam, P. van Waesberge bookseller, 1627

21 Copies. — STCN ID: 842035931

Proteus ofte Minne-beelden verandert in sinne-beelden. / (By Jacob Cats)
Diverse navires dont on se sert dans les Provinces Unies. = Icones variarum navium Hollandicarum quarum usus maximè in aquis interioribus regionis. / By Johannes Percelles
sample page

Typvs mvndi in quo eius calamitates et pericvla nec non diuini, humanique amoris antipathia

Antverpiæ, apud I. Cnobbaert, 1627

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 395951682

Typvs mvndi in quo eius calamitates et pericvla nec non diuini, humanique amoris antipathia
Het godtvrvchtich herte. Den koninghlijcken throon van Jesvs den vreedsamighen Salomon. / By Stephanus Luzvic. ; Translated into Dutch by G. Zoes
Perspective contenant la theorie, practique et instruction fondamentale. / [By Johannes Vredeman de Vries]
Perspectiva die weitberuhmte Kunst. / By Johan Vredeman Frison. ; Corrected edition by S. Marolois