Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Cosmographiæ generalis libri tres: item Geographiæ particvlaris libri qvatvor. / By Paullus G.F.P.N. Merula

(Enlarged edition). — Amsterdami, apud G. Blaev, 1636 (volume 2: 1635)

12 Copies. — STCN ID: 85270948X

Cosmographiæ generalis libri tres: item Geographiæ particvlaris libri qvatvor. / By Paullus G.F.P.N. Merula
Het nieuw vermeerde licht, ghenaemt de sleutel vant tresoor, spiegel, gesicht ende vierighe colom des grooten zeevaerts, dat is een nieuwe beschryuinghe vande oost, west, suyd ende noordsche navigatie. : 2 parts. / By Joris Carolus
Le novveav phalot de la mer, nommé la clef du thresor, miroir, & colomne flamboiante de la grande navigation marine. / [By Willem Jansz Blaeu]. ; Translated from the Dutch into French by G. Bardeloos
sample page

Appendix Novi Atlantis. / By H. Hondius

Amstelodami, sumpt. J. Ianssonii, 1637

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 435270478

Appendix Novi Atlantis. / By H. Hondius

Atlas or A geographick description, of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world. : Part 2. / By Gerardus Mercator. ; Translated by H. Hexham

Latest edition. — Amsterodami, sumpt. and typ. æneis H. Hondij, 1638

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 095234519

Atlas or A geographick description, of the regions, countries and kingdomes of the world. : Part 2. / By Gerardus Mercator. ; Translated by H. Hexham

Atlantis novi pars tertia

Latest edition. — Amsterodami, sumpt. and typ. æneis H. Hondij, 1638

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 095231102

Atlantis novi pars tertia

Atlantis novi pars secunda

Amstelodami, sumpt. H. Hondii and J. Ianssonii, 1638

3 Copies. — STCN ID: 095232133

Atlantis novi pars secunda

Atlas novus, sive Descriptio geographica totius orbis terrarum

Amstelodami, apud J. Ianssonium and H. Hondium, 1638

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 095234284

Atlas novus, sive Descriptio geographica totius orbis terrarum

Le theatre dv monde ou Novvel atlas. / By Guillaume Blaeu et al.

Amsterdami, apud G. and J. Blaeu, 1638 (2nd title-page: J. and C. Blaev, 1640)

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 112046789

Le theatre dv monde ou Novvel atlas. / By Guillaume Blaeu et al.
Nievwen atlas, ofte werelt beschryvinge ende volkome afbeeldinge van alle coninckrycken [...] als meede Oost en West Indien. : 2 parts.