A trve confession of the faith, and hvmble acknovvledgment of the alegeance, which vvee hir maiesties subjects, falsely called Brovvnists, doo hould tovvards God, and yeild to hir maiestie
A trve confession of the faith, and hvmble acknovvledgment of the alegeance, which vvee hir maiesties subjects, falsely called Brovvnists, doo hould tovvards God, and yeild to hit majestie
A christian letter of certaine English protestants, vnfained fauourers of the present state of religion, authorised and professed in England: vnto [...] mr R. Hoo. requiring resolution in certaine matters of doctrine
A triall of svbscription, by way of a preface vnto cartaine svbscribers; and, reasons for lesse rigour against non-subscribers. / [By William Bradshaw]
Certayne letters, translated into English, being first written in Latine. Two, by [...] Francis Iunius [...]. The other, by the exiled English church, abiding [...] at Amsterdam
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