Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Dissertatio physiologico-medica inauguralis, de vi et effectu arteriarum in fluida contenta. / By Johannes Hiddinga
Brief van den heere Chais [...] aan den heere Sutherland [...] over de nieuwe wyze, om de kinderpokjes in te enten, en antwoord van den heere doctor Sutherland. / Translated from the French by J. Hiddinga
Heelkundig woordenboek, bevattende eene ontleedkundige beschryving der deelen van 'smenschen lichaam. / By Le V... [= A.F. Thomas Le Vacher de la Fentrie] et al. ; Translated from the French and enlarged by J. Hiddinga

Theses juridicae inaugurales. / By Johannes Hiddinga

Franequerae, apud G. Coulon, 1777

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 292605846

Theses juridicae inaugurales. / By Johannes Hiddinga