The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801
Leeuwarden, R.J. Mosselman bookseller (colophon 2L4v: J.J. Banga printer, title-page 2I8 and colophon 2L4v: 1687)
6 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 065652762
Leeuwarden, R.J. Mosselman bookseller (colophon L4v: J.J. Banga `IT`printer, 1687
4 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 065653114
Leer-regel des bibels, ingestelt tot onderwijs der jonge jeugt. / By Foecke Florisz
Haerlem, printed by J.G. Geldorp, 1690
2 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 065630696
Afdeeling der H. bibel-wetten, of der geheele H. Schriftuyre. / By Foecke Florisz
Amsterdam, B. Visser bookseller, 1696
1 Exemplare. — STCN ID: 10411326X