Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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41 Treffers


Dissertatio juridica inauguralis, de termino moto. / By Christian. Henric. Trotz

Trajecti ad Rhenvm, apud A. van Megen typ., 1730

4 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 203247035

Dissertatio juridica inauguralis, de termino moto. / By Christian. Henric. Trotz

Opuscula juridico-philologica rariora in unum volumen collecta. / By Christfriedus Waechtlerus. ; Preface by C.H. Trotz

Trajecti ad Rhenum, apud J. van Lanckom bibl., 1733

4 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 191552100

Opuscula juridico-philologica rariora in unum volumen collecta. / By Christfriedus Waechtlerus. ; Preface by C.H. Trotz
sample page

Opera juridica minora. / By Jacobus Gothofredus. ; Corrected, enlarged and prefaced by C.H. Trotz

Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud J.A. Langerak, 1733

12 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 237966204

Opera juridica minora. / By Jacobus Gothofredus. ; Corrected, enlarged and prefaced by C.H. Trotz

Tractatus juris de memoria propagata. Seu de studio veterum, memoriam sui propagandi. / By Chr. Henr. Trotz

Trajecti ad Rhenum, apud G. Kroon, 1734

6 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 197799930

Tractatus juris de memoria propagata. Seu de studio veterum, memoriam sui propagandi. / By Chr. Henr. Trotz
De prima scribendi origine et universa rei literariæ antiquitate. / By Hermannus Hugo. ; enlarged edition with annotations and preface by C.H. Trotz
In quatuor libros Institutionum imperialium commentarii principales. / By Emundus Merillius. ; Edited by C. Mongin. Preface by C.H. Trotz
sample page

Oratio inauguralis de libertate sentiendi, dicendiqve, jvrisconsvltis propria. / By C.H. Trotz

Franequerae, exc. G. Covlon, 1741

8 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 227902300

Oratio inauguralis de libertate sentiendi, dicendiqve, jvrisconsvltis propria. / By C.H. Trotz
sample page

Opera omnia, seu Paratitla Digestorum et varii tractatus juris civilis. / By Guilielmus Maranus. ; Biography by B. Médon. Edited and prefaced by C.H. Trotz

Corrected enlarged edition. — Trajecti ad Rhenum, apud J. Broedelet, 1741

11 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 185992706

Opera omnia, seu Paratitla Digestorum et varii tractatus juris civilis. / By Guilielmus Maranus. ; Biography by B. Médon. Edited and prefaced by C.H. Trotz
Intree-rede van den hooggeleerden heer en mr. Christiaen Henrik Trotz, over de vryheit van gevoelen en spreken den rechtsgeleerden eigen. / Translated from the Latin
Theses juris publici ad leges foederati Belgii fundamentales [...] specimen primum(-duodecimum). / By Christianus Henricus Trotz. ; Def.: J.C. Balck et al