Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Ferdinandi II. romanorum imperatoris virtvtes. / By Gulielmus Lamormain

Coloniæ, apud J. Kinchivm, 1638

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 293040885

Ferdinandi II. romanorum imperatoris virtvtes. / By Gulielmus Lamormain

De devghden van Ferdinandvs II. keyser van Roomen. / By Guilielmus Germaeus de Lamormaini. ; Translated into Dutch by F. de Smidt

(Engraved title-page: Antwerpen, wed. J. Cnobbaert, 1638)

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 317667858

De devghden van Ferdinandvs II. keyser van Roomen. / By Guilielmus Germaeus de Lamormaini. ; Translated into Dutch by F. de Smidt