Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Vindiciæ repetitæ, pro divina & humana libertate. Contra Bredenburgios fratres, Spinosæ discipulos. Dat is: Tweede verdeediging. / By Latinus Serbaltus Sartensis [pseudonym of Noel Aubert de Versé]. Translated from the Latin
Observationes, quibus ostenditur, J.B. esse spinosistam, atque adeo atheum. Dat is Aenmerkingen [...] in welken getoont wort, dat J.B. een spinosiaen, en dus een atheist is. / By Latinus Serbaltus Sartensis [pseudonym of Noe͏̈l Aubert de Versé]

Aubert de Versé, Noel

Person. — ca. 1645-1714