Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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6 Hits

Het decksel gescheurt, ende een deure geopent tot de eenvoudige, om daer door te sien [...] 'twelck met het decksel bedeckt is geweest onder de mennonyten. / By George Keith
The universall free grace of the gospell asserted or The light of the glorious gospell of Jesus Christ, shining forth universally. / By George Keith
Antwoord op elf vrágen, die door zéker persoon aan Benjamin Furly, in de Nederduytse tále, zijn toegesonden. / By George Keith. ; Translated from the English
sample page

Responsio ad postulatum quintum tractatuli, anno superiore [...] editi. / By Georgius Keithus

Amstelodami, apud J. Clausium bibl., 1681

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 85338682X

Responsio ad postulatum quintum tractatuli, anno superiore [...] editi. / By Georgius Keithus
Eine Antwort auff das fünffte Begehren in einen Büchlein, welches vergangenen Jahrs [...] heraus gegeben worden. / By George Keith
Ad Joh: Guilelmi Bajeri theologiæ, doctoris [...] dissertationem primam contra quakeros [...] amica responsio. / By Georgius Keithus