Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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8 Treffers

Tentamina circa methodum partes animantium affabre injiciendi, easque injectas ac rite præparatas bene conservandi, ut usibus anatomicis & physiologicis inserviant. / By Alexandrus Monro ; Translated from the English into Latin and annotated by J.C.F. Bonegarde
Tentamina circa methodum partes animantium affabre injiciendi, easque injectas ac rite præparatas bene conservandi, ut usibus anatomicis & physiologicis inserviant. / By Alexander Monro ; Translated from the English into Latin and annotated by J.C.F. Bonegarde
sample page

Nervorum anatome contracta. / By Alexander Monro. ; Translated into Latin (by G. Coopmans)

Franequeræ, apud P. Romar, 1754

4 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 303207590

Nervorum anatome contracta. / By Alexander Monro. ; Translated into Latin (by G. Coopmans)
Tractatus tres de nervis eorumque distributione, de motu cordis et ductu thoracico. / By A. Monro. ; Translated into Latin, annotated and enlarged by G. Coopmans
Tractatus tres, de nervis eorumque distributione, de motu cordis et ductu thoracico. / By A. Monro. ; Translated into Latin, annotated and enlarged by G. Coopmans

De febribus arcendis discutiendisque, commentarius. / By Alexander Monro

Amstelodami, sumpt. J. Schreuderi, 1771

3 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 240674812

De febribus arcendis discutiendisque, commentarius. / By Alexander Monro
Drie verhandelingen over de zenuwen [...]; over de beweeging van het hart, en over de chyl-buis. / By A. Monro. ; Translated from the 2nd annotated and enlarged Latin edition by G. Coopmans into Dutch, annotated and enlarged by P.M. Nielen
Verhandelingen over de zenuwen [...] over de beweeging van het hart, en over de chylbuys. / By Alexander Monro. ; Translated from the 2nd annotated and enlarged Latin edition by G. Coopmans into Dutch, annotated and enlarged by P.M. Nielen