Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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7 Hits

Korte meditatien, ontrent eenighe texten der H. Schriftuere. / By Daniel Middelhoven. ; 2nd corrected enlarged impression by F. Middelhoven
sample page

Verklaringhe over de woorden des H. mans Hiobs, cap. 2. v(ers) 10. / By Florentius Middelhoven

Bolswardt, printed by P.S. Boenja, 1651

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 364518553

Verklaringhe over de woorden des H. mans Hiobs, cap. 2. v(ers) 10. / By Florentius Middelhoven

Uyt-gangh: ofte Bekeeringe van Menno Symons

Bolswardt, printed by P. Sioerdts for M. Lases, 1653

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 061241083

Uyt-gangh: ofte Bekeeringe van Menno Symons
sample page

Anatomia. Dat is: ontledinghe van acht-en-twintigh texten. / By Adrianus Hasius

Leeuwarden, P. Allaerts bookseller, 1659 (colophon: Bolswardt, printed by P.S. Boenja, 1658)

1 Copies. — STCN ID: 292578385

Anatomia. Dat is: ontledinghe van acht-en-twintigh texten. / By Adrianus Hasius

Guldene annotatien. / By Franciscus Heerman

13th enlarged impression. — Leeuwarden, (engraved title-page: printed by) P. Allerts, 1661 (engraved title-page: 1660; colophon: Bolswardt, printed by P.S. Boenja, 1662)

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 056946430

Guldene annotatien. / By Franciscus Heerman

Salomons sweerdt, scheydende de remonstrantsche van de rechtsinnige leere. / By Bouritius Sibema

6th corrected impression. — Leeuwarden, P. Allerts bookseller (colophon: Bolswaerdt, printed by P.S. Boenja), 1663

2 Copies. — STCN ID: 139249281

Salomons sweerdt, scheydende de remonstrantsche van de rechtsinnige leere. / By Bouritius Sibema
sample page

Ses, de laetste predicatien, ende meditatien. / By Joannes Wtenbogaert

Bolswaerdt, printed by P.S. Boenja, 1663

6 Copies. — STCN ID: 053724003

Ses, de laetste predicatien, ende meditatien. / By Joannes Wtenbogaert