Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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58 Treffers


Sefer leqaẖ tov. / By Avraham Yagël. ; Edited by Naftali ben Samuel Pappenheim

Beʾamšt̥erdam, printed by Uri Wayveś ben Aharon Wit̥mund Ha-levi, [5]418 [1658]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099511851

Sefer leqaẖ tov. / By Avraham Yagël. ; Edited by Naftali ben Samuel Pappenheim

Sefer tehillim

Amšt̥erdam, bevet Uri Wayves ben Aharon Wit̥mund Ha-levi, [5]418 [1658]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099575868

Sefer tehillim

Sefer ha-pedut weha-purqan. / By Sa♭adyah

Beʾamšt̥erdam, printed by Uri Wayveś ben Aharon Wit̥mund Ha-levi, [5]418 [1658]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099932725

Sefer ha-pedut weha-purqan. / By Sa♭adyah

Sefer šimmuš tehillim. / Edited by Aaron Nathan bar Jacob of Bodon

Beʾamšt̥erdam, printed by Uri Wayveš ben Aharon Witmund Ha-levi, [5]418 [1658]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099502747

Sefer šimmuš tehillim. / Edited by Aaron Nathan bar Jacob of Bodon

Šeʾelat šalom be-ʾahavah. / By Margaret Fell


2 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 324954220

Šeʾelat šalom be-ʾahavah. / By Margaret Fell

Sefer yalqut̥ ẖadaš. / [By Israel of Belz]

Amšt̥elredam, printed by Uri Wayveś b[en] Aharon Ha-levi, [5]419 [1659]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099576082

Sefer yalqut̥ ẖadaš. / [By Israel of Belz]

Or torah. / By Menaẖem di Lonzano

Beʾamšt̥erdam, printed by Uri ben Aharon Ha-levii, [5]419 [1659]

3 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 09958218X

Or torah. / By Menaẖem di Lonzano

Sefer qet̥oret ha-mizbeaẖ. / By Mordeḵay ben Naftali Hirš

Amšt̥elredam, printed by Uri Wayveś b[en] Aharon Ha-levi, [5]420 [1660]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 099577062

Sefer qet̥oret ha-mizbeaẖ. / By Mordeḵay ben Naftali Hirš

Sefer yosifon

Beʾamšṭerdam, printed by Uri Wayves ben Aharon Ha-levi for Awraham ben Mordeḵay Ha-Kohen, [5]421 [1661]

1 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 118648993

Sefer yosifon

Perfectio pulchritudinis, seu Commentarius in loca selecta vocesque & res difficiliores S. Scripturæ. / By Selomon Ben Melech. ; Annotated by J. Abendana

Amstelædami, (title-page 1, fol. 1: Uri ben Aharon Ha-levi), 5421 [1661] (title-page 1, fol. 1: [5]420 [1660])

7 Exemplaren. — STCN ID: 108109909

Perfectio pulchritudinis, seu Commentarius in loca selecta vocesque & res difficiliores S. Scripturæ. / By Selomon Ben Melech. ; Annotated by J. Abendana