Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Historisch-natuurkundige onderwysingen over het ryk der groejende lichamen of planten. / By Chr. Gottlieb Ludwig. ; Translated by J.H. Knoop
Gerechtelyke geneeskunde. / By Christian Gottlieb Ludwig. ; Translated from the Latin by J. Dupont

Gerechtelyke geneeskunde. / By Christian Gottlieb Ludwig. ; Translated from the Latin by J. Dupont

2nd enlarged edition. — Utrecht, G. van den Brink Jansz., 1774

4 Copies. — STCN ID: 180500244

Gerechtelyke geneeskunde. / By Christian Gottlieb Ludwig. ; Translated from the Latin by J. Dupont