Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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39 Hits

A trve confession of the faith, and hvmble acknovvledgment of the alegeance, which vvee hir maiesties subjects, falsely called Brovvnists, doo hould tovvards God, and yeild to hir maiestie
A trve confession of the faith, and hvmble acknovvledgment of the alegeance, which vvee hir maiesties subjects, falsely called Brovvnists, doo hould tovvards God, and yeild to hit majestie

Confessio fidei Anglorvm qvorvndam in Belgia exvlantivm


1 Copies. — STCN ID: 330612581

Confessio fidei Anglorvm qvorvndam in Belgia exvlantivm
An apologie or defence of svch trve christians as are commonly (but vniustly) called Brovvnists. / [By Henry Ainsworth]
An apologie or defence of such true christians as are commonly (but vniustly) called Brownists. / [By Henry Ainsworth]
The commvnion of saincts, a treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God. / By H.A. [= Henry Ainsworth]
The confession of faith of certayn English people, living in exile, in the Low countreyes. / By Henry Ainsworth
Covnterpoyson. Considerations touching the points in difference between the godly ministers & people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation. / By H.A. [= Henry Ainsworth]
A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the christian churches [...] against the challenges [...] of mr. Smyth. / By Henry Ainsworth
An arrow against idolatrie. / By H.A. [= Henry Ainsworth]