TitelAccurate description of the whole collection of fine hyacinths, tulips and ranonculuses [...] to be found in the large dutch flowergarden from Voorhelm and Schneevoogt
ErscheinungsvermerkHaerlem, for the authors, [not before 1769]
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang9.125 Druckbögen
Bogensignaturπ1 *2 A-N4 O22A-B8
Fingerprint000008 - a1=a2 *2 rde - 1b1 A l : 1b2 O2 ish - 2b1 A un : 2b2 B5 th$
TitelAccurate description of the whole collection of fine hyacinths, tulips and ranonculuses [...] to be found in the large dutch flowergarden from Voorhelm and Schneevoogt
ErscheinungsvermerkHaerlem, for the authors, [not before 1769]
Bibliographische Daten
Umfang9.125 Druckbögen
Bogensignaturπ1 *2 A-N4 O22A-B8
Fingerprint000008 - a1=a2 *2 rde - 1b1 A l : 1b2 O2 ish - 2b1 A un : 2b2 B5 th$