Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/852685580 852685580

Title information

STCN ID852685580
TitlePlaccart, ende ordonantie generale, soo op den cours vanden gelde, als op de policie ende discipline betreffende d'exercitie vanden munte ende muntslach [...]. Ghegheuen by zijne excellentie [...] den iiij. augustj. anno 1586
ImprintAmstelredam, printed by C. Claesz., [1586]

Bibliographic information

Extent8.5 sheets
CollationA-B4, 2[A]4 2B-E4 2F6
Fingerprint000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie e$vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie e$vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 i k
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1586
General NoteDifferent type-settings of gatherings 2A-F (some copies: 2F4) are used indiscriminately in various copies
Incorporates: Beeldenaar, Beeldenaer ofte figuerboeck, 1586
Bibliographical referenceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 6503
Geographical headingNederland (1586) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-08 18:02:47


lacks part
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek : S qu.726:10-11 (Rariora)
Dublin, Trinity College : Fag.I.7.72:1,1a
gatherings A-B only

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Title information

STCN ID852685580
TitlePlaccart, ende ordonantie generale, soo op den cours vanden gelde, als op de policie ende discipline betreffende d'exercitie vanden munte ende muntslach [...]. Ghegheuen by zijne excellentie [...] den iiij. augustj. anno 1586
ImprintAmstelredam, printed by C. Claesz., [1586]

Bibliographic information

Extent8.5 sheets
collationA-B4, 2[A]4 2B-E4 2F6
fingerprint000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie e$vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie e$vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie vieren : *2b2 daer tken
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie vieren : *2b2 daer tke
000004 - *1b1 B g : 1b2 B3 aere - *2b1 remedie $vieren : *2b2 i k


generalnotesDifferent type-settings of gatherings 2A-F (some copies: 2F4) are used indiscriminately in various copies
Incorporates: Beeldenaar, Beeldenaer ofte figuerboeck, 1586
sourceP. Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava, 1541-1600 (1998), 6503
subjectplaceNederland (1586) seethesaurus



Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-11-08 18:02:47


lacks part
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek : S qu.726:10-11 (Rariora)
Dublin, Trinity College : Fag.I.7.72:1,1a
gatherings A-B only