FußnotenAnother issue of the editions Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, Lvgdvni-Batavorvm, G.A. vander Marse, 1638; and Lugduni-Batavorum, G. vander Marse, 1638
Bibliographische NachweisA. Willems, Les Elzevier (1880), 961 variant 1
FußnotenAnother issue of the editions Amstelodami, apud L. Elzevirium, Lvgdvni-Batavorvm, G.A. vander Marse, 1638; and Lugduni-Batavorum, G. vander Marse, 1638
Bibliographische NachweisA. Willems, Les Elzevier (1880), 961 variant 1