Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/822830620 822830620

Title information

STCN ID822830620
TitleOratio de scholastici muneris difficultate. / By Guilhelmus Nieuwenhuysius. ; (With Dutch translation by S. Ampzing)
ImprintHarlemi, ex off. A. Romani typ., 1628
Colophon(M2v:) Harlemi, ex off. A. Romani typ., 1629. (P1:) Haerlem, printed by A. Roonan[!], 1629

Bibliographic information

Extent12.5 sheets
Collation<***>4 A-L4 M2 N-P1
Fingerprint162804 - a1 (<***>)2 .$D.$ : a2 (<***>)3 nta$ben - b1 A f : *b2 M $d
Typographical featuresprinter's device

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
Year of publication1628
General NoteThe 3 folia in-2°, signed N-P contain VVelkom-lied, ghemaeckt ter eeren van [...] VVilhelmus van Nieuwenhuysen, gewesene rector inde schole van Enckhuysen, wanneer syne E tot Haerlem is gekomen; and other songs. Printed with the music type of D. van Hoorenbeeck

Persons responsible

Printer/PublisherRoman, Adriaen (I) [Printer] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (c)
Last Edit2024-01-24 13:45:44


lacks folia N-P
lacks folia N-P
musical appendix only

Sample pages

Haarlem, Noord-Hollands Archief, Oude Boekerij: 1 B 46:1
Haarlem, Noord-Hollands Archief, Oude Boekerij: 1 B 46:1
Haarlem, Noord-Hollands Archief, Oude Boekerij: 1 B 46:1

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Title information

STCN ID822830620
TitleOratio de scholastici muneris difficultate. / By Guilhelmus Nieuwenhuysius. ; (With Dutch translation by S. Ampzing)
ImprintHarlemi, ex off. A. Romani typ., 1628
Colophon(M2v:) Harlemi, ex off. A. Romani typ., 1629. (P1:) Haerlem, printed by A. Roonan[!], 1629

Bibliographic information

extent12.5 sheets
collation<***>4 A-L4 M2 N-P1
fingerprint162804 - a1 (<***>)2 .$D.$ : a2 (<***>)3 nta$ben - b1 A f : *b2 M $d


generalnotesThe 3 folia in-2°, signed N-P contain VVelkom-lied, ghemaeckt ter eeren van [...] VVilhelmus van Nieuwenhuysen, gewesene rector inde schole van Enckhuysen, wanneer syne E tot Haerlem is gekomen; and other songs. Printed with the music type of D. van Hoorenbeeck

Persons responsible

Printer/PublisherRoman, Adriaen (I) [Printer] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (c)
Last Edit2024-01-24 13:45:44


lacks folia N-P
lacks folia N-P
musical appendix only