Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/435565222 435565222

Title information

STCN ID435565222
TitleOctroye ende ordinantie onsheeren des conincx, dienende tot heruattinge en̄ voirderinghe vander dijckagien ende lande vander Zijpe gheleghen in zijne maiesteyt t'graefschap van Hollant
ImprintThantwerpen, H. vander Loe, 1571

Bibliographic information

Extent2 sheets
CollationA-B4 (lacks B4, blank?)
Fingerprint157104 - b1 A2 onli : b2 B2 ,$bode
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationBelgium
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1571
General NoteIssued 21-06-1571
Geographical headingHolland (1571) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-03-09 16:15:35


Sample pages

Dublin, Trinity College: Fag.H.1.2:10

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Title information

STCN ID435565222
TitleOctroye ende ordinantie onsheeren des conincx, dienende tot heruattinge en̄ voirderinghe vander dijckagien ende lande vander Zijpe gheleghen in zijne maiesteyt t'graefschap van Hollant
ImprintThantwerpen, H. vander Loe, 1571

Bibliographic information

Extent2 sheets
CollationA-B4 (lacks B4, blank?)
Fingerprint157104 - b1 A2 onli : b2 B2 ,$bode
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationBelgium
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1571
General NoteIssued 21-06-1571
Geographical headingHolland (1571) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-03-09 16:15:35
