Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/422450871 422450871

Title information

STCN ID422450871
TitlePlacaet. De Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden [...]. Doen te weten; alsoo wy hoe langhs soo meer in ervaringe komen, dat eenige capiteynen ter zee, in onsen dienst wesende, sich derven verstouten [...] met haer onderhebbende oorloghschepen, over te voeren [...] koopluyden goederen
Colophon[Late 17th century]

Bibliographic information

Extent1 sheet
Fingerprint000001 - b1=b2 indirectelijck or$haer$ey
Typographical featurestypeface black letter

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication169X
General NoteIssued 14-09-1670
Single-page print; type area 240 x 250 mm
Foliated Fol. 122
Geographical headingNederland (1670-09-14) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Printer/PublisherS.l.s.n. →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2023-01-22 15:19:16


Sample pages

Dublin, Trinity College: Fag.P.7.19:17

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Title information

STCN ID422450871
TitlePlacaet. De Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden [...]. Doen te weten; alsoo wy hoe langhs soo meer in ervaringe komen, dat eenige capiteynen ter zee, in onsen dienst wesende, sich derven verstouten [...] met haer onderhebbende oorloghschepen, over te voeren [...] koopluyden goederen
Colophon[Late 17th century]

Bibliographic information

Extent1 sheet
Fingerprint000001 - b1=b2 indirectelijck or$haer$ey
Typographical featurestypeface black letter

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication169X
General NoteIssued 14-09-1670
Single-page print; type area 240 x 250 mm
Foliated Fol. 122
Geographical headingNederland (1670-09-14) →Thesaurus record

Persons responsible

Printer/PublisherS.l.s.n. →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2023-01-22 15:19:16
