Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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Title information

STCN ID393657590
TitleSeeckerlijcke beschryvinghe, vant groote wonderteken des heeren dat Godt bewesen heeft int lant van Luyck [...] geschiet den I. december, anno 1617
ImprintAmsterdam, for M. Jansz, [1618?]

Bibliographic information

Extent0.5 sheet
Fingerprint000004 - b1=b2 hadde nsten
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication161X

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-02 13:58:34


Sample pages

Skokloster, Slotts Bibliotek: III.84.933:4

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Title information

STCN ID393657590
TitleSeeckerlijcke beschryvinghe, vant groote wonderteken des heeren dat Godt bewesen heeft int lant van Luyck [...] geschiet den I. december, anno 1617
ImprintAmsterdam, for M. Jansz, [1618?]

Bibliographic information

Extent0.5 sheet
Fingerprint000004 - b1=b2 hadde nsten
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication161X

Persons responsible

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-02 13:58:34
