Title information
STCN ID371572142
TitleBiblia Hebraica. / Edited by Menasěh ben Yisraʿel
EditionNew edition
ImprintAmsteldami, sumptibus H. Laurentii, 1635 (Hebrew title-page: printed by Menasseh ben Israel), 1635 (other title-pages: 1631)
Bibliographic information
Extent124.25 sheets
Collationπ2 14(-1, fol. 1) 2-634 642 65-934, 214(±1, fol. 1) 22-314 2322 (93, fol. 4 blank)
Fingerprint163504 - 1b1 12 hbdi : 1b2 932 yhw - 2b1 12 $ : *2b2 312 $hšẖy
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationHebrew
General NoteHebrew and Latin title-pages; text in Hebrew
Published in 1635 (Fuks) in 4 variant issues (Fuks 153c, with Five Scrolls after Pentateuch, from 33, fol. 1; Latin dates in imprints title-pages 36, fol. 4, 65, fol. 1 and 21, fol. 1 changed by hand from 1631 into 1636; other issues 153 and 153a and c; b and c with additional Latin title-page, entitled: Biblia Habraica, and with imprint: Amsteldami, sumptibus H. Laurentii, 1635)
Uniform titleBible Hebrew. O.T.
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 19:51:16