titleMemoires de mademoiselle De Montpensier, fille de Gaston d'Orleans, frere de Lovis XIII
editionCorrected enlarged edition
ImprintAmsterdam, J. Wetstein and G. Smith, 1746 (volume 7: 1766)
Bibliographic information
Extent8 volumes ; 120.08 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π2 *12 A-N12 O6
volume 2: π2 A-Q12 R6
volume 3: π2 A-N12 O2
volume 4: π2 A-N12 O6
volume 5: π2 A-O12 P1
volume 6: π2 A-P12
volume 7: A-M12
volume 8: A-V12 X4
Fingerprintvolume 1: 174612 - a1 * us : a2 *6 la$ - b1 A u : b2 O3 $R
volume 2: 174612 - b1 A il : b2 R3 tin
volume 3: 174612 - b1 A qu : b2 O ,
volume 4: 174612 - b1 A i : b2 O3 eût
volume 5: 174612 - b1 A t : b2 P on
volume 5: 176612 - b1 A t : b2 P on
volume 6: 174612 - b1 A u : b2 P6 s$v
volume 7: 176612 - b1 A2 res : b2 M6 $trè
volume 8: 174612 - b1 A3 nt : b2 X2 ra$o
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationFrench
General NoteDate volume 7 misprinted; some copies date volume 5 misprinted
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 19:32:47