Title information
STCN ID318905221
TitleKorte legende, ofte beschryvinge van de levens ende martyrie der heyligen voor't geheele jaer. / By Andrea Brunner. ; Translated from the Latin into Dutch by F.V.A
ImprintAntwerpen [= Haarlem and Amsterdam], N. Braeuw, J. Stichter and F. van Metelen booksellers, 1687
Bibliographic information
Extent2 volumes ; 40.67 sheets
Collationvolume 1: *12 A-V12 2*6
volume 2: π2 A-T12 (T11,12 blank)
Fingerprintvolume 1: 168712 - a1 *3 (en : a2 *5 e$p - b1 A s : b2 V6 nde - c1 * n : c2 *4 rte
volume 2: 168712 - b1 A $ : *b2 T5 r$al$
Additional information
Country of publicationBelgium
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageLatin
General NoteAnother issue of the edition Antwerpen [= Amsterdam], J. Stichter and F. van Metelen, 1687
Uniform titleFasti Mariani cum divorum elogiis. Dutch
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-02 17:51:36