Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/316030791 Schmid, Cunrad

Title information

STCN ID316030791
TitleHaagse broeder-moord, of Dolle blydschap. Treurspel. / By J. Oudaen
ImprintFrederik-stad, J.E. Smith, (half-title 2A1: 1674)

Bibliographic information

Extent21.88 sheets
Collationπ2 *2(*1+π*1) A-G8, 2A-C8 2D4 2E-L8 2M4(-M4) 3*2 3A-C8 3D1
Fingerprint000008 - 1a1=1a2 * ch - 1b1 A om : 1b2 G5 va - 2b1 A2 adi : 2b2 M3 et$v - 2a1=2a2 *2 de$ - 3a1 A $p : 3b2 D $v
000008 - 1a1=*1a2 * ch - 1b1 A m : 1b2 G5 eêr$ - 2b1 A2 ,$n : 2b2 M3 et$v - 2a1=2a2 *2 de$ - 3a1 A $ : 3b2 D :
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNorway
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1674
General NoteEngraved title-page: Dolle blydschap
Date on typographical title-page *1 in chronogram, misprinted 1671
Half-title 2A1: Aanmerkingen op de beschuldigingen, raakende de heeren gebroederen de Witten, 1674
Half-title 3*1: Gedenkwaerdige stukken, wegens den moordt der heeren [...] de Witt
Title-page in different states, some without author's name
Engraved title-page with explanation in different states: π2 or π1 2π2
Prelims in different states: *1+π*1 or *1+π*4
Different type-settings of sections are used indiscriminately in various copies
Printed in the Netherlands

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorOudaen, Joachim [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 16:38:18


lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
prelims incomplete; lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
Den Haag, Gemeentearchief : Hgst 8112:4, 2719
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
Aanmerkingen only
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken

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Title information

STCN ID316030791
TitleHaagse broeder-moord, of Dolle blydschap. Treurspel. / By J. Oudaen
ImprintFrederik-stad, J.E. Smith, (half-title 2A1: 1674)

Bibliographic information

Extent21.88 sheets
Collationπ2 *2(*1+π*1) A-G8, 2A-C8 2D4 2E-L8 2M4(-M4) 3*2 3A-C8 3D1
Fingerprint000008 - 1a1=1a2 * ch - 1b1 A om : 1b2 G5 va - 2b1 A2 adi : 2b2 M3 et$v - 2a1=2a2 *2 de$ - 3a1 A $p : 3b2 D $v
000008 - 1a1=*1a2 * ch - 1b1 A m : 1b2 G5 eêr$ - 2b1 A2 ,$n : 2b2 M3 et$v - 2a1=2a2 *2 de$ - 3a1 A $ : 3b2 D :
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNorway
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1674
General NoteEngraved title-page: Dolle blydschap
Date on typographical title-page *1 in chronogram, misprinted 1671
Half-title 2A1: Aanmerkingen op de beschuldigingen, raakende de heeren gebroederen de Witten, 1674
Half-title 3*1: Gedenkwaerdige stukken, wegens den moordt der heeren [...] de Witt
Title-page in different states, some without author's name
Engraved title-page with explanation in different states: π2 or π1 2π2
Prelims in different states: *1+π*1 or *1+π*4
Different type-settings of sections are used indiscriminately in various copies
Printed in the Netherlands

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorOudaen, Joachim [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 16:38:18


lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
prelims incomplete; lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
Den Haag, Gemeentearchief : Hgst 8112:4, 2719
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken
Aanmerkingen only
lacks Gedenkwaerdige stukken