Nouveau voyage d'Italie. / [By François Maximilien Misson]. -- 5th corrected enlarged edition. -- La Haye, H. van Bulderen bookseller, 1731. -- 3 (50.75 sheets) ; 12° Signature Formula: Pt. 1: π1 *⁶(-*6) 2*⁶ 3*¹²(-*11,12) A-P¹²; Pt. 2: π1 A-P¹² Q⁸; Pt. 3: π1 A-S¹². -- Fingerprint: volume 1: 173112 - a1 *2 ire : a2 3*6 cer.$ - b1 A i : b2 P6 143; volume 2: 173112 - b1 A mp : b2 Q4 $Lu; volume 3: 173112 - b1 A e : *b2 S5 pr. -- With the engraved title-page of the 1702 edition. -- Some copies with different ornament/device on title-page [STCN ID: 315897422]