TitleTorah neviʾim u-k_etuvim = Biblia Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiae. : 4 parts. / Edited by J. Leusden and annotated by E. van der Hooght
EditionCorrected edition
ImprintAmstelaedami, ediderunt Boom, Waesberge, Goethals, Borstius, Wolters, Ultrajecti, ediderunt Halma, van de Water and Broedelet (other title-pages: Amstelodami, sumpt. & mandatis societatis), 1705
TitleTorah neviʾim u-k_etuvim = Biblia Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiae. : 4 parts. / Edited by J. Leusden and annotated by E. van der Hooght
EditionCorrected edition
ImprintAmstelaedami, ediderunt Boom, Waesberge, Goethals, Borstius, Wolters, Ultrajecti, ediderunt Halma, van de Water and Broedelet (other title-pages: Amstelodami, sumpt. & mandatis societatis), 1705