TitelBespiegelingen over den hoogmoed en de grootschheid der natiën. / By J.G. Zimmerman. ; Translated after the 4th corrected enlarged German impression by G.M. Nebe
ImpressumAmsterdam, wed. P.J. Entrop, 1778
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang14.25 vellen
Collatie*4 A-N8 O4 P2
Vingerafdruk177808 - a1=a2 *2 rn - b1 A we : b2 P2 re
TitelBespiegelingen over den hoogmoed en de grootschheid der natiën. / By J.G. Zimmerman. ; Translated after the 4th corrected enlarged German impression by G.M. Nebe
ImpressumAmsterdam, wed. P.J. Entrop, 1778
Bibliografische informatie
Omvang14.25 vellen
Collatie*4 A-N8 O4 P2
Vingerafdruk177808 - a1=a2 *2 rn - b1 A we : b2 P2 re