Title information
STCN ID310361583
TitleO Novo Testamento. Isto he, Todos os sacrosanctos livros [...] do Novo Concerto de nosso fiel Senhor [...] Jesu Christo. / Translated into Portuguese by J. Ferreira de Almeida
ImprintAmsterdam, J. Crellius, 1712
Bibliographic information
Extent26.88 sheets
Collation*6 A-B8 C4 D4(-D4) E-2D8 2E2
Fingerprint171208 - a1 *3 ro, : a2 *5 e$a - b1 A2 ns : b2 2E $e$
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationPortuguese
General NoteAlmeida translation, made from Beza's Latin translation, but adapted after the Dutch Authorized version (Statenvertaling); revised by T. Zas and J. op den Akker; introductions to Bible books added after the Dutch Authorized version
Title Matthew A1: O Sancto Euangelho de nosso Senhor Jesu Christo
Published on behalf of the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie
Uniform titleBible Portuguese Almeida (Beza and Statenvertaling). N.T.
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 16:23:00