Redenmatige bedenkingen over de boeken der H. Schrift; dienende ter bevestiging van de waarheid van het christendom. : Volume 1. / By Petrus Allix. ; Translated from the French, compared to the German translation. Enlarged with P.F. Mussel's notes. Annotated and prefaced by IJ. van Hamelsveld. -- Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg, 1776. -- 30.38 sheets ; 8° Signature Formula: π1 *-4*⁸ 5*⁶(-5*6) A-N⁸ ²*⁴ ²A-M⁸ ²[N]1. -- Fingerprint: 177608 - 1a1 * $ : 1a2 5*5 r$nodig - 1b1 A $ : 1b2 N5 pin - 2a1 *2 $z : 2a2 *3 be - 2b1 A r : 2b2 M5 wo. -- 2 parts [STCN ID: 31024076X]