Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/308727762 308727762

Title information

STCN ID308727762
TitleVolkomen handleiding tot de boekbindkonst. / Compiled by M: van Loopik
ImprintGouda, M. van Loopik, Amsterdam, sold by M. de Bruyn, Arnhem, sold by Nyhof [etc.], 1790

Bibliographic information

Extent3 sheets
Fingerprint000008 - b1 A ei : b2 C5 enk
Typographical featuresprice quotation

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1790
General NoteTitle and imprint derived from printed covers
Published in 3 instalments, each with printed covers
All published

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorLoopik, M. van [Compiler] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2023-07-30 13:46:56


Sample pages

Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: O 59-22
Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: O 59-22
Amsterdam, Universiteitsbibliotheek: O 59-22

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Title information

STCN ID308727762
TitleVolkomen handleiding tot de boekbindkonst. / Compiled by M: van Loopik
ImprintGouda, M. van Loopik, Amsterdam, sold by M. de Bruyn, Arnhem, sold by Nyhof [etc.], 1790

Bibliographic information

Extent3 sheets
Fingerprint000008 - b1 A ei : b2 C5 enk
Typographical featuresprice quotation

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Year of publication1790
General NoteTitle and imprint derived from printed covers
Published in 3 instalments, each with printed covers
All published

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorLoopik, M. van [Compiler] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2023-07-30 13:46:56
