Title information
STCN ID306020920
TitleGrigri, histoire veritable, traduite du Japonnois en Portugais par Didaque Hadeczuca [...] & du Portugais en François. / By Louis de Cahusac
EditionLatest edition
ImprintAmsterdam, aux depens de la compagnie, 1745
Bibliographic information
Extent2 volumes ; 11.92 sheets
Collationvolume 1: π1 *8 A-D12 E8
volume 2: *2 A-F12 G4 (G4 blank)
Fingerprintvolume 1: 174512 - a1 * c : a2 *5 $ - b1 A o : b2 E5 l'êt
volume 2: 174512 - a1=a2 * $p - b1 A n : b2 G3 $so
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationFrench
Original languageJapanese
Intermediary languagePortuguese
General NoteSatire
Originally written in French
Hadeczuca is anagram of De Cahusac
Printed in Paris?
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-09 18:55:38