Title information
STCN ID304453676
TitleAmoenitates philologicæ, sive Discursus varii. / By Christianus Falsterus
ImprintTrajecti ad Rhenum, apud A. à Paddenburg, 1750
Bibliographic information
Extent3 volumes ; 57.38 sheets
Collationvolume 1: *4 A-P8 Q4 Q5.Q6
volume 2: *6 A-H8 I-L6 M-Q8 R-S6 T2
volume 3: *6 A-V8 X6 Y4 Z2
Fingerprintvolume 1: 175008 - a1=a2 *3 fo - b1 A d : b2 Q5 $cu
volume 2: 175008 - a1 *3 RE : a2 *5 $v - *b1 A2 enti : b2 T2 s$P
volume 3: 175008 - a1 *2 ri : a2 *4 eb - b1 A c : b2 Z2 rchi
Additional information
Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationLatin
General NoteVolume 1 reissue of the edition Amstelodami, apud A. Wor and haer. onder de Linden, 1729-1732
Persons responsible
Record Information
Publication typeMultivolume work
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2020-08-03 13:48:59