Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands

The Dutch National Bibliography up to 1801

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stcn/30377309X Cahen, Samuel

Title information

STCN ID30377309X
TitleAanwijzing ter verbetering van de akkerbouw en landhuishoukunde, in Nederland. : 2 parts. / By A. Bruchausen. ; Translated from the German
EditionEnlarged edition
ImprintDeventer, J.N. Stitzinger, 1792

Bibliographic information

Extent24.5 sheets
Collation*8 A-V8 X4 2A-C8 (lacks X4,2A1, blank?)
Fingerprint179208 - a1 *3 et$ : a2 *5 de - 1b1 A ko : 1b2 X2 e$ - 2b1 A2 moe : 2b2 C5 syn
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageGerman
Year of publication1792
General NoteIncludes: Land-liederen
Uniform titleAnweisung zur Verbesserung des Ackerbaues und der Landwirthschaft Münsterlandes. Dutch

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorBruchausen, Antonius [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 16:06:28


lacks Landliederen

Sample pages

Deventer, Athenaeumbibliotheek: DI XVIII 19
Deventer, Athenaeumbibliotheek: DI XVIII 19

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Title information

STCN ID30377309X
TitleAanwijzing ter verbetering van de akkerbouw en landhuishoukunde, in Nederland. : 2 parts. / By A. Bruchausen. ; Translated from the German
EditionEnlarged edition
ImprintDeventer, J.N. Stitzinger, 1792

Bibliographic information

Extent24.5 sheets
Collation*8 A-V8 X4 2A-C8 (lacks X4,2A1, blank?)
Fingerprint179208 - a1 *3 et$ : a2 *5 de - 1b1 A ko : 1b2 X2 e$ - 2b1 A2 moe : 2b2 C5 syn
Typographical featurestypographical title-page

Additional information

Country of publicationNetherlands
Language of publicationDutch
Original languageGerman
Year of publication1792
General NoteIncludes: Land-liederen
Uniform titleAnweisung zur Verbesserung des Ackerbaues und der Landwirthschaft Münsterlandes. Dutch

Persons responsible

Author/ContributorBruchausen, Antonius [Author] →Thesaurus record

Record Information

Publication typeMonograph
Statuschecked (v)
Last Edit2022-12-11 16:06:28


lacks Landliederen